Monday, August 6, 2012


Im 37 years old and single. Please don’t speak to me as you would to a 21 year old, with their life and dreams ahead of them. Please don’t speak to me as you would to a 24 year old, telling them to try to enjoy life while they have the freedom to run and do. Please don’t speak to me as you would to a 30 year old, telling them its about to come. Please speak to me with sensitivity and care as you would to anyone else who has suffered, watching the years go by. Please speak to me with the realization that my dreams have been dashed time and time again. Please speak to me knowing that my friends have already made bar mitzvahs and chosen high schools, and will iyh soon marry off their children. please speak to me in a way that shows you have stopped to think about what I am going through and that you really feel my pain.

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